Equipment and Rentals Browse Through Our Selection of Portable Machine Tools Laser tracker with reports and 3D scanner are available for precise and accurate metrology Portable line boring equipment to bore from 1 1/2" to 60" Flange facing machines out to 200" Portable lathes 1 1/2" to 24" Portable milling machines 36"x8" up to 192"x116" In-line turning machine Portable keyway mills Mobile machine shop Large industrial service truck with 25-ton radio remote crane Service trucks with cranes, air, power, welders, tools In-house machine shop See Below for the Full Equipment List New Equipment Arrived! Climax CM6200 Climax LM6200 Climax FF6300 Faro Laser Tracker Climax FF8200 Climax BB7100 Most portable machines are available for rentals Equipment Gallery Climax FF5000 Climax FF6300 Climax FF8200 York InLine Turning 1000 York InLine Turning 1600 Climax PM2000 Climax LM6200 Climax LM 5200 Climax PL2000 Climax PL4000 Climax CM6200 Climax PM6000 Climax BB5000 BW300 with 12" stroke In House Machine Shop Full Equipment - Downloadable RENTAL List Climax CM6200 with 25HP HPU, Single point and milling head, 73" to 200" Climax LM6200 with 25HP HPU, 8' + 10' to 16' bed, 48", 82" and 116" rams, Z slide and 2 feed motors Climax LM5200 with HPU, 6' bed, 44" and 26" rams Climax PM2000 20:x8" Climax PM6000 with diesel 25HP HPU, 13'4" bed, 60" ram. 8" riser, 2 feed motors, 144"x48" Climax KM300 Key-mill Climax FF5000 with both rams, 5" to 20" diameter Climax FF5300 with both rams, 5" to 40" Climax FF6300 with extended 44" ram, 8" to 72" diameter Climax FF8200 single point and milling, 45" to 120" Climax PL2000 1-1/2" to 9" diameter Climax PL4000 8" to 24" diameter York 1000 In Line Turning, 4" to 10" York 1600 In Line Turning, 8" to 16" Climax BB7100 with 20', 12', and 10' bars, 12" to 60" diameter, 4 4-arm bearings, ID bearing, facing head, 3 motors (2) Climax BB5000 with all accesories, bars to 16'. blind bore tooling with#4 MT (2) Climax BB4000 (3) Climax BB3000 Climax BW1000 Climax BW2600 Climax BW3000, 6" to 12" diameter Climax BW5000, 12" to 120" diameter